When You Fast

“I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.” - II Corinthians 11:27 (NIV)

What do you notice about this verse? What jumped out at you?:

Paul is arguably known as the greatest and most influential apostle among the followers of Christ. He was deeply committed to furthering the Kingdom of God despite countless, significant, sufferings he endured.
Verse 27 of II Corinthians, Chapter 11 comes as one of several verses (23-29) that detail endless trials and tribulations Paul faced. Some of his sufferings included being hungry, cold, being beaten, ridiculed, and persecuted. He labored, toiled, endured sleeplessness, temptation, sin, weariness, and discouragement—all while relentlessly pursuing the calling of God on his life: to spread the message of salvation through Christ.
Paul faced many monumental adversities and suffered a great deal in his walk with God, but in all humility, he actually “boasted” about it. Paul considered his persistence and endurance through suffering as evidence of his own weakness, and God’s strength! This was for the sake of ministering the greatest love story ever told. Paul was fully aware of, grateful for, and welcomed all of the obstacles in his walk with the Lord. Despite his own shortcomings, all the trials, persecutions, and sufferings, Paul joyfully pressed forward for the Kingdom of God.
It is sometimes “easier” to “just keep going,” isn’t it? In fact, we sometimes pride ourselves on “hanging in there.” But God didn’t create us to just “hang in there” or to just “survive” the trials and tribulations that we face in our walk with Him. He desired us to thrive through them in victory and do so joyfully. Through this, God’s power is revealed and glorified, and we become more aligned with Christ. We gain divine insight, and our character and faith in God grows profoundly.

Answer & Reflect on the following question (s):

  1. Ask yourself and reflect on whether you are “surviving” through the obstacles and challenges you face in your walk with the Lord. Are you thriving, amidst them? Are your trials and sufferings a burden to you, or are they a privileged- blessing?
  2. Even in the most difficult of tribulations, what divine, insights have you gained as you reflect on them? Perhaps challenge yourself to create a list of times that came with suffering or discomfort in your walk with the Lord (but that ultimately proved the power of God despite evidence of your own weakness).
  3. How can you “boast” about your experiences to help further the cause for Christ, glorify His power, and help others for His sake?

Speak to the Lord and spend some time in prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank You for always being there, in every single moment of my life. Thank you for your protection and comfort in the challenges I face in my walk with You. Thank You for revealing to me that in my trials, in my worst of sufferings and discomfort, I can find peace in You. For Your power is glorified in my weakness, and I am always victorious in You. Help me to pursue radical faith so that I may be more aligned with You. Help me to remember that You did not create me to just survive, but to thrive, joyfully in You! May You have all the glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Secret Place


Hello Tomorrow!