The Way Pt.1
“But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” - Matthew 7:14 (NLT)
What do you notice about this verse? What jumped out at you?:
During Jesus’ journey here on earth He taught us many things. The book of Matthew is encumbered with lessons and teachings throughout Jesus’ ministry, but not matter the lesson the theme remains the same … it all points back to ‘Jesus’ being the (ONLY) way to God, our Father. In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus states “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who chose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” (NLT)
We live in a society that throws so much at us to distract us from the truth. They feed us lies that being a moral person, a caring person, a giving person, a person that does good deeds, a (FILL IN THE BLANK) person … and that, that will be enough! But the truth of the matter is that without accepting the Lord as your personal savior, loving Him, having a personal relationship with Him, and living for Him; you will, still feel incomplete and that something is missing. There’s nothing wrong with being a moral, caring, giving, person that does good deeds, but without Jesus at the center of all of those attributes, those things will never truly, feel- fulfilling because the motive is not driven by a heavenly purpose.
According to Jeremiah 29:11 God has great plans for you, He wants to prosper you and to give you a hope, and a future …but if you do not choose Him, and realize that He is the only way to an eternal life, then you have chosen the opposing side (full of destruction and death). I pray that you always choose Jesus…. I pray that you always chose eternal life. Psalms 32:8 reminds us that “the Lord says, I will guide you along the best path of your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” (NLT).
Answer & Reflect on the following question (s):
When we come to God in prayer, let’s examine our hearts first. Do we ‘die to our flesh’ daily and choose Jesus? Ask God to reveal areas in your life that need His transformation, so you can pray with a clean heart, and a spirit of humility.
Speak to the Lord and spend some time in prayer:
Lord, thank You for Your patience with me. Help me to see myself clearly, confess my shortcomings, and grow in Your grace. Teach me to pray with love and humility, so my words reflect Your heart. We know you are the (only) way, help us to choose you daily. In Jesus Name, we pray, Amen