The Cost of Calling
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” - Mark 8:36 (NKJV)
What do you notice about this verse? What jumped out at you?:
I’m sure most of us are familiar with the “American Dream.” It’s the idea that anyone can succeed through hard work, risk-taking, and sacrifice. Work hard, grind hard, hustle hard; for money, fancy things, success, or fame. While it is an enticing concept, the problem lies here: just as fast as we can gain these things, we can lose these things. Companies shut down, stock markets crash, the next best thing comes out and suddenly, you’re trying once again to keep up with the Jones’.
As children of God, we are called to seek after heavenly treasures, ones that can never be destroyed. Nothing in this world is reliable, even people will come and go. God offers eternal treasures that no one can take from you without your permission. Treasures like peace, joy, salvation, love, faith, and hope. These are the treasures we are to seek and guard with dear life.
Answer & Reflect on the following question (s):
What eternal gifts have you allowed the enemy to rob you of? Is it your peace? Your joy? Your faith? What are the treasures or possessions of this world that entice you so much that you could potentially be on the path to losing your soul? Is it that next level promotion? That perfect house? That luxury car?
While there is nothing wrong with having nice things, we don’t want nice things to ‘have us.’
Speak to the Lord and spend some time in prayer:
Lord, please shed your light so I can see what my heart truly treasures. Help do an honest evaluation of what I am seeking and striving for. Help me to seek first YOUR kingdom and righteousness, so that you can add everything else unto me. If there is anything taking me away from my time with you, keeping your commandments, truly loving your people, faithfully serving your house, or carrying out Your calling on my life, I ask you to please strip it from me. Don’t let me live to acquire ‘earthly things’ that will never satisfy. Please allow me to open my heart and receive all it is that you already paid for me to have. In Jesus name, Amen.